Happy Tuesday everybody!
So my place in history has been assured. Yesterday while talking with my oldest it hit me. An idea like this only comes once in a while and it changes mankind forever. Just like Einstein came up with his E=MC squared, I too came up with something so revolutionary that will somehow be useful to humanity: M=PB squared. I understand your curiosity, but people of my type will understand. No, not scientist; people married or in any form related to Mexicans!
Mexicans equal Pain times Bitching squared!
There isn't one member of my wife’s environment (Mexicans) who isn't in pain and bitches endlessly. Her mom, her sisters and brother, her worker; my daughters! I’m pretty sure the president of this great nation wakes up in pain; and bitches. Mexicans hurt people and they will bitch endlessly…
Take care
PS The idea came to mind while my daughter was bitching about her two day headache….poor kid…
PS PS My nephew could certified this formula, he too is involved in this Mexican world…
PS PS PS We Salvadorians are more of a Schrödinger conundrum; we are probably alive and dead at the same time.
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