Thursday, July 15, 2021


 I know! 

What the hell?!

Well it has been a heck of a year you have to admit it. First the pandemic hitting us with lockdown after lockdown and now we're finally coming out of it so I have time to chat. So what have i been doing?

Mr Guzman spent 4 months at the hospital, not for the illness covid but rather two operations. I had a keeping wound that had opened up, pressure one, and they had to put the muscle in there and close it again and then I had to rely on my side for 4 months. I pulled through but my brain took a beating. And after I came out, lo and behold you're moving asshole! For those that keep track of my location I used to live in the South Shore of Montreal now I live in the West Island. I am leaving in a residence for all folks although I'm only 53. It's a game changer!

In my old neighborhood I used to be awakened by the sounds of kids going to school or parents running to take the bus. Here not a bird chirps before 9:00! I'm actually considered an early bird because I get up at 8:30.. oh the horror!

Also, I have lost quite a lot of weight! About 200 lb! Thank you cannabis.. I will try to put pictures of before and after..

Okay folks have a great day and I promise I will try to keep in contact more often...

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